
What our Parents, Carers and Professional
Partners Say About the Orchard

We are proud to share some of the feedback we have received from members of our school community.

“Iā€™d like to thank the school for giving me my child back.”

ET’s Mother

“The school has been brilliant for me they help me through so many things.”

MT (Leaner At The Orchard)

“He isnā€™t masking at school anymore he comes home calm and happy which has massively improved our life at home.”

KB’s Mother

“The learners that visit from Orchard are amazing! If any of them wanted a job in the future we would love to work with them, they are all so friendly and kind to the residents.”

Royal Court Care Home

“The school have made my sonā€™s learning fun and this shows as he looks forward to the next day.Ā  All staff go above and beyond to support us both.Ā  I find myself and Orchard work amazingly well in partnership and this makes me comfortable in contacting any member of the Orchard staff with any problem or worry.Ā  I feel listened to and valued.Ā  I cannot thank the school enough for all the time and effort invested in showing my son that the team are more than teaching staff, they are a community of support , love and laughter – thank you.”

“The whole team is great and communication and support is excellent!”

“Everyone at the school that I have personally dealt with and that my son talks about are equally exceptional.”

“Staff always keep me updated and are happy to help with whatever I ask of them.”

“All staff go above and beyond.”

“You are all so fantastic. I never in a million years thought I’d ever get him happy in education again and he talks so positively of his time with you. Please convey my gratitude to all the staff for the hard work you all put in. Jack feels safe and listened to which has been key to him settling.”

“My daughter has only attended here for a short period of time but in these months, it’s made a lasting impression. The staff have all been very supportive in meeting her needs too. Overall, this has had a positive effect on my daughter’s well-being, and she is now attending school full-time, which is amazing.”

“I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all the help with Bella over the last year and half. I honestly donā€™t know what I would do without Bella attending this school, it has been a life saver for us as a family, quite literally. As you know she had been to 6 different schools and not coped in any of them at all due to unmet needs.”

“Josh has had a good couple of years settled in school now. Weā€™ve come a long way since then and with the help of school Josh is doing really well and is on track to achieve his next steps and we do believe he will. Josh can now work in a group and complete his work without a problem and the teachers have been ace with that there always there and have been for Joshua, supporting him even out of school if needed, so now Joshua’s approach to situations is different because he can talk with teachers etc., in a mature way and they do the same back. I am very proud of Joshua for smashing the last 2 years, doing his exams and also achieving a send award. I can’t wait to see how Joshua’s future turns out but I’m sure he will do well no matter what and also proud of us all because I think between me Joshua and school weā€™ve done well.”

“I would recommend Orchard in a heartbeat. In the last year since our son has been attending Orchard there has been an incredible improvement in his confidence and learning. He is so happy to attend every day, the staff have shown limitless patience and positivity, spending time to really get to know his personality and needs, making him feel that he really can achieve each next level with no stress or pressure, just positive encouragement. Also, by way of outings into the community, he is learning to budget, shop, communicate effectively and generally cope with the world at large. Fridays are very popular too!Ā  We cannot stress enough how grateful we are to all staff throughout the school because if he had gone to a mainstream school he would have got lost in the system and his future would not have been so bright.”

“I am so proud after the phone call I received regarding my sonā€™s work. How far he has come with the help and support from you, for a boy who couldnā€™t write a sentence and only interest was gaming and being rather aggressive. He has been a different boy at home, spending time and having conversations with us all, and telling us all about his day. He is now joining in sports which he would never ever do. Now he loves going to the gym and has got himself exercise equipment with his own money. Weā€™re so proud of him and so proud and thankful for all the hard work you have done to get him so far.”

“Orchard school has literally saved my boy from educational disaster. Before he joined this wonderful setting he hated school. He had such bad experiences with other children and with staff and he displayed many challenging behaviours that his school was not equipped or trained to deal with. At Orchard school, he is supported in every way that can be thought of. which makes me, as a carer feel happy and confident that he will have a great day. Any incidents have been dealt with in a perfectly timed and reasonable manner and staff know him inside and out, which shows the effort and time staff have put into getting to know him and making his school day the best possible.

Nothing has ever been too much trouble, and I am also supported by staff and always feel welcomed to ask questions or to put any worries across – which have always been addressed and dealt with. I cannot express how amazing the staff are in building such great relationships with him. His class Teacher, telephones me straight away Ā informing me of any concerns and without that I would be left in the dark, it means that I then can follow up these concerns either myself or by a GP visit.Ā  I am so grateful that we have a fabulous relationship with each other and it means we are all working together to get the best out of him. The dedication of all staff involved in making his school day go well and making him feel part of a team is wonderful. His welfare and needs come first at school and he has such a great relationship with all staff and is clearly valued by all. He is listened to and he has a voice.”

ā€œItā€™s hard to believe itā€™s been two years. Thankfully I got my son moved here and I never realised at the time what a fantastic school Iā€™d chosen. Orchard School really are ā€˜the bombā€™. They have done amazingly with my son, changing him from a child that didnā€™t see the point in school, so hated going, to a child who actually asks ā€œWhen am I back at school?ā€. He leaves this year and Iā€™m going to be devastated. Iā€™ll miss the whole staff, they are all outstanding.ā€

“Thank you for believing in my son. He has come on so much since he started at the Orchard. He is so much more willing to attend school now and so much happier in himself. Heā€™s a different boy since attending Orchard, thank you so much!”

“My son started at The Orchard in September and I was a littleĀ  nervous to be honest as he usually struggles with change and new situations. But, I couldnā€™t be more pleased with how heā€™s settled in. So, Iā€™d like to say a big thank you to his teachers for making him feel so welcome and supporting him. It is amazing to see him learning!”

“I cannot believe the kindness of this school! A massive thank you to all the staff for helping get my food shopping when I couldnā€™t go out. I cannot thank you enough, please take care and stay safe.”

“Itā€™s been a difficult time for the family and the support you have shown has been outstanding. Canā€™t thank you all enough, you do an amazing job. You really have gone above and beyond with the support”

“I just wanted to drop a quick email to say ā€˜Wowā€™! What an amazing set of students and staff you have. You must be very proud of them.

The students really embraced the day, as did the staff. They took on every task without hesitation even when it was out of the comfort zone. The enthusiasm was tremendous and we were really impressed. The boys all showed us great respect and were a pleasure to have on site. I wish all schools were as polite and appreciative.

Please, please pass on my thanks to the staff team, they really were brilliant.

I hope we will see them all again in the future.”

“Thank you for the opportunity to come in and have a chat with some of your students. It was a pleasure to talk about Army careers with a very attentive and interactive group of young people. I look forward to having the opportunity to repeating todayā€™s talk. I enjoyed the experience and I really hope your students gained something from it. A big thank you to you and all the other staff members for making me feel so welcome.”

“Mega proud of the kids this week. I had a phone call from my sonā€™s teacher about a story he had written. He did her so proud, she actually cried.”

Great school and excellent staff.