PSHE, RSE and Careers


At Orchard Education our delivery of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is designed, delivered and embedded through a comprehensive and balanced programme built within the wider curriculum including Science, ICT and People in the Community. However, the three main areas are for delivery are:

  • PSHE
  • RSE
  • Talkabout


PSHE makes a significant contribution to the promotion of young people’s personal and social development. In Y11, learners are provided with the opportunity to undertake accredited qualifications in Alcohol Awareness, Substance Misue Awareness and Sexual Health Awareness. Our aims of the PSHE curriculum, are ensure our learners have the necessary skills and attributes to know how to stay safe and healthy by focusing on self-esteem, resilience, risk management and teamwork by concentrating on:

  • Self-Awareness (Me, who I am, my likes, dislikes, strengths and interests)
  • Self-care, Support and Safety (Looking after myself and keeping safe; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education.)
  • Managing Feelings (Understanding feelings, and that how I feel and how others feel affects choices and behaviour; Relationships and Sex Education)
  • Changing and Growing (How I and others are changing; new opportunities and responsibilities; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education)
  • Healthy Lifestyles (Being and keeping healthy, physically and mentally)
  • The World I Live In (Living confidently in the wider world, British Values, Democracy, Human Rights, Citizenship, Employability skills and career exploration/progression)


At Orchard Education, good relationships are fundamental to our ethos. RSE has a key part to play in the personal, social, moral and spiritual development of our learners. RSE will be delivered as part of our rolling curriculum, with Y9’s provided with the opportunity to complete an accredited PSHE/RSE qualification. RSE specifically focuses on:

  • The development of skills, attitudes, and knowledge in relation to relationships, consent, reproduction, and sexual health.
  • Understanding the importance of respect and mutual consent in relationships.
  • Age-appropriate education on contraception, sexually transmitted infections, and the emotional aspects of sexual relationships.
  • Addressing issues such as body image, gender identity, sexual orientation, and gender roles. 

All PSHE and RSE lessons will be delivered by trained tutors who will use a variety of engaging methods such as discussions, group work, role-play, and scenario-based learning. The teaching will be inclusive, sensitive, age-appropriate and non-judgemental throughout. 

Parents have the right to request children are removed from lessons teaching certain elements of RSE. Information on this can be downloaded here.


Talkabout is a structured programme for teaching and measuring social skills. It is based on teaching children or young adults in small groups using a hierarchical method of developing skills where basic or foundation skills are taught before more complicated skills. The repetition enables learners to revisit and consolidate skills that they will use in adult life, including:

  • Self-Awareness and Self-Esteem
  • Body Language
  • The Way We Talk
  • Conversations
  • Assertiveness

Careers & Post 16

Vision – All our learners will be successfully prepared for their next steps into post-16 through a careers offer that allows them the experiences and awareness of a variety of post 16 options. This bespoke support allows learners to follow their personal interests as well as gaining confidence through our community links and professional partnerships.

Strategic Objective

  • As a result of our Careers’ Curriculum, all learners are able to make a knowledgeable choice about their future and have an awareness of the opportunities and support available to them.
  • All learners experience and/or access a range of FE/HE and apprenticeship information from local providers, meet future employees and encounter a range of visits with the local post-16 colleges and vocational pathways.

Internal Structure – Roles and Responsibilities

  • Jo Royston – Careers’ Lead – – offers personal advice and support to all learners.
  • Jodie Bromley – Line manager of Careers’ Lead.
  • Class teams – Deliver our Careers’ Programme and support learners with their work experience placements.

External Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) support

  • Sally Wright – The Orchard School Advisory Panel member for SEND, CIAG and Outcomes for Learners
  • Vicky Booth – Enterprise Coordinator – supports our school to develop our Careers Programme further.
  • Young People’s Support Services (YPSS) – Support learners with college applications.
  • Local businesses – support learners with work experience placements.

What our Learners should expect

  • KS3/KS4 learners receive a Careers’ Programme which is embedded into the curriculum. This programme supports learners to be prepared with the essential skills they need for their future career.
  • KS3 learners explore different occupations to help them gain an understanding of the job role and what it involves. These occupations are investigated through research, videos and visits to local companies and professionals.
  • Careers talks are provided to KS4 learners from local fast-growing businesses to engage them on the different career paths and apprenticeships their companies offer to young people. These talks offer  learners the opportunity to gain insight into unique real-life work experiences. 
  • One to one weekly drop-in sessions with the Careers’ Lead are offered to all learners for further guidance around colleges, courses and apprenticeships.
  • Additional one to one support is provided by YPSS who assist the learner with their written application to their chosen post-16 next step.
  • An offer of a quality work experience placement is provided to each KS4 learner, which is tailored to their personal interest and strength. This is implemented by the Careers’ Lead and visits to placements are supported by the learners’ class team.
  • All KS4 learners are given the opportunity to visit Grimsby Institute, Franklin College and Linkage College to speak to staff about courses they are interested in. This allows the learners to become familiar with the settings and helps them become less anxious about transitions.
  • All KS4 learners engage with guest speakers from apprenticeship providers who will discuss vocational training with them and give them an insight into their chosen field.
  • All KS4 learners receive one to one transition support to their next step provision. These transitions will be well planned to ensure all learners feel ‘ready’ and happy with moving on to their new venture. The transitions will be arranged by the Careers’ Lead and supported by the learner’s class teams and, if needed, by Centre Managers.

Long Term Plans

  • To continuously measure and assess the effectiveness of our Careers’ Programme by using the ‘Compass’ online evaluation tool, which tracks the careers activity against the eight Gatsby Benchmark of best practice.
  • Careers’ Lead to meet with Enterprise Coordinator to acquire an Enterprise Partner for the school. The Enterprise Partner will offer expert advice on preparing young people in the world of work, thus encouraging the creativity and innovation of our learners.
  • To provide further opportunities for learners to work and run a retail shop within the school, which will enhance learners with valuable transferable life skills and academic skills/experiences.
  • Careers’ Lead to consult with external agencies to support managing further work experience and meaningful encounters with employers.
  • To track the intended destination of learners for up to three years after they have left the school setting.
  • Careers’ Lead to invite school leavers into the school once a term for any further support or guidance they require.
  • To ensure career planning is embedded within the school’s curriculum and in line with the LTP.
  • Careers’ Lead to meet regularly with other local SEN providers to share initiatives.

School Long Term Careers’ Curriculum Plan

See our Destination Data for Further Information: /qualifications-and-examinations/

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